Coffee Talk Tuesday #45

It’s weekly chat time! Grab your cup and let’s get talking.


If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that it’s not Tuesday. April Fools! Wait. I got completely swept away by the day yesterday, and am very glad that it’s Wednesday. But hey, I like coffee on days that end in Y, so we’re all set! Today, I went on a 5-mile run, snuggled my cat, put on a new summery dress and filled my favorite “Mrs.” tervis to the brim with WaWa hazelnut coffee (yummm). So, Wednesday? Imma rock you.

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that we’re finally at the time of year when I can ride my bike to work! It’s a sweet cruiser (in love with it), and I wait to ride it to work until it’s warm enough in the morning and still light enough outside when I’m done teaching classes at 6:30 to ride home. It has all the perfect components: a place for my phone, a cup holder for my coffee cup, a sweet little basket on the front — I love it!

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that my sweet traveling entrepreneurial friend wrote me an entire coffee talk post from Ecuador (looooove you!). I am waiting until I can sit and savor a delish cup of coffee to craft the perfect response. I seriously love when people share their happiness with me! (coffee cup cheers from Ctown!)

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I finally debuted the summer schedule. I’m being kind to me and teaching fewer classes (um, it’s still 6, some weeks it will be 7) per week. I teach 9-10 right now. I’m excited because it’s the first time I’ve really crafted a schedule that includes all the classes in the order I like teaching them while still giving myself a little bit of a break for my own fitness endeavors. I hope people enjoy this new schedule, too! It’s posted here if you’re curious!

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I participated in a two-hour hot yoga detox workshop this past Sunday and loved every juicy second of it. I feel SO strong from my BBG workouts – all of the core work and twisting was super accessible and I found myself going deeper into the movements. It was really quite beautiful – the room was packed, and even though I didn’t know anyone there very well, I felt like we all understood each other and moved as one, even on our own tracks at our own paces. I’m so glad that I found this yoga studio, and that I’m able to take my practice there almost on a weekly basis.

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I really savor my 4 a.m. wake-up call on running days. I genuinely love being an early riser. My little surrounding world feels like it’s still sleeping and I’m getting up to greet the day, be active, and meet my equally-crazy running buddy Melissa. There’s something magical about seeing the sunrise. It’s my favorite part of the day.

That’s what I have for today, y’all. See you next time!

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