Annapolis Ten Miler
Race #25 in the books! Five years ago, when I began my pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, I never thought I’d be able to write a post like this one. A runner? Running races? Multiple races in a season? And loving it? Even as a shore girl, I love running in Annapolis for races. This year’s Annapolis Ten Miler Race marks #5 for me in the city.
We lucked out and had the most perfect morning for an August race. Last year, it was raining and hailing at the start. This year? Beautiful sky, slightly cool temperature to start.
Ten miles is my soulmate distance. I love pacing myself during those first few miles, when the start of running is both exhilarating and exhausting, and love even more when my body falls into the happy rhythm of left-right-left-right on the pavement.
This race was no exception. I started the race at a nice but slower-to-me pace and maintained it for the first 7 miles, running at an even 9:00/mile pace. Then, my body felt warmed-up and primed for a faster pace and more power. Mile 8 was about 8:30, Mile 9 at 8:00 and Mile 10 finished at a swift 7:00.
True to my racing style, I sprinted the last 2/10 of Mile 10. {can we talk about how much I love sprinting at the end of a great race?}
The best part post-finish? POPSICLES! Good call, race organizers. I love my water/banana routine after a race, but this coconut Popsicle was a true treat.
Another best thing post-race? Running into this lady – Katherine at Newlie. We went to the same adorable college, worked for the same adorable office (where I still work), and now she’s living an adorable life and working for the Culinary Institute of America. Swoon!
Running 10 miles always calls for a jumpy photo.
We’re one step closer to MARATHON day. T-2.5 months. Things are getting real.
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