Coffee Talk #220: Always Do Your Best
Grab your cup & let’s chat.
If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that we’re diving into the Fourth and final Agreement in The Four Agreements. We started with Be Impeccable with your Word, moved to Don’t Take Anything Personally, then to Don’t Make Assumptions, and now we’re here:
Always Do Your Best
These agreements build upon each other. You have to start with being impeccable to your word to recognize and understand not to take things personally, you have to stop thinking everything is about you in order not to make assumptions, and you have to practice all of these things in order to always do your best. We’re building our way toward personal freedom.
This final agreement is about the action of the previous three agreements. Always do your best means to show up as you in each present moment and offer the absolute best that you can.
Can you look in the mirror and say “Today, I did my best?”
Why or why not? What actions did you take (or not take) that lead you to believe that you’re doing anything less than your best?
This book can help you on the journey to becoming more self-aware. I love to journal daily. I spend maybe 5 minutes, but I spent real, honest time with myself. I ask ‘did I do my best today?’
When I do my best, I’m living intentionally, I’m productive (not busy), I’m able to achieve alignment between giving and earning, and I have the ability to put work away.
When I do my best WORK, I’m in the moment, with one eye toward the future. But I try not to ‘work for the weekend.’
Does this work all the time? Heck no. It’s a practice. All of these agreements take practice. I learn from my mistakes every day. The thing that takes you from good to your best is making notes of those mistakes, becoming aware of what you’re doing and how you respond, and getting up the next day to try again.
These agreements take ACTION. No more wishing, hoping, thinking about things being the ‘best’ – take action to create that scenario for your life every single day.
Always do your best means showing up, being honest, giving yourself grace, and knowing that your BEST varies each day. I see two major caveats to this final agreement:
Caveat 1: your best is going to change moment to moment and day to day. Sometimes, your best will be the highest quality and other times, it will be good.
Caveat 2: Do no more and no less than your best. If you try to do MORE, you’ll expend unnecessary energy and if you try to do LESS, you’ll be riddled with guilt, judgement, and regrets.
You deserve to feel good. The world deserves your best. YOU deserve to give your best. What you need most is to feel alive, to know your worth, to know your energy. It’s there, now it’s time to take ACTION and use it!
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