Coffee Talk Tuesday #14
Happy Coffee Talk Tuesday! Welcome to the weekly chat where I spill my guts and try not to spill my coffee. That would be very sad.
I love that first cup of coffee in the morning. You know, I read an article that claimed you shouldn’t drink coffee first thing — it should be part of your later morning routine, should you elect to drink it. Even more important than the actual drinking of the coffee is the smelling of the coffee — it awakens the senses first. Who knew?
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’m teaching all of my classes this week! It’s probably a little soon, but I’m eager and have lots of stir-crazy people ready for classes. A little-known fact – classes aren’t a workout for instructors! So, my workouts are still on hold, sort of, but I’m happy to help other people get their workouts.
On the same note, if we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’ve been to a Yin Yoga class, and a Hot Yoga class, and I just signed up for another one this week. I’m not 100%, but as I’ve been telling people, I don’t think I’ll ever get to that 100% point.
Let me back up — I’m looking at a ‘new normal’ — I’m not going to try to ‘get where I was before surgery’ because maybe that’s unrealistic. Now that I’ve had surgery and have experienced unplanned down time working out, maybe this is a chance to mix things up. I might run more, do more yoga, lift differently, etc. I want to change my workouts to my new normal, and work toward this new vision of myself (not quite version, that seems too strong).
If we were having coffee today, I’d finally share the awesome book that was recommended to me. It’s called The Go-Giver, and it’s life changing. I applied ONE of the five rules and have already seen results. I’m excited to see what happens when I’m able to coach myself to complete all 5. It’s one of those books that you have to be ready to read. I think someone picking it up half-heartedly would likely scoff at it, not understand the full ability of the concepts. But this was the perfect time for me to read this book.
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I received another book recommendation (and I believe this is strongly related to that one rule I applied from the previous book) from an unexpected source. I’m in the middle of reading a just-for-fun book, but once I complete it, I’ll be diving head-first into this new book recommendation. I already purchased it!
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’ve been deeply reading a lot about productivity and motivation. As a supervisor for 4 people now, I’m constantly looking at new ways to help encourage prioritization, push deadlines without being pushy, and motivating people based on their strengths (and the needs of the institution). This is powerful stuff.
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you we’re making great progress on the kitchen this week! We had to stop for a little while based on work/life schedules, but we’re moving ahead with the next phase now. So exciting! We’re hoping to be completed by next spring, at the latest. Because so many people ask, YES we can still cook, we have a sink in the very large laundry room that we use, and we have a large dining room table that serves as a place for prep and eating. We eat every day! haha.
Let’s go conquer this Tuesday!
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