Coffee Talk Tuesday #19

Welcome to the weekly chat where I spill my guts and try not to spill my coffee. That would be very sad.  img_4734

Hello from the road again! I’m in Houston, TX, where I’ll be for a few days before heading to Memphis, TN, for a conference workshop.

This trip won’t be as long or crazy as my Colorado trip, but I feel like I just got home. In between trips, I’ve helped host Oktoberfest, the annual fundraiser for Colchester Farm, and I helped Johnny with Harvest Home, the big annual program for his church. I’m still waiting to catch my breath!

While it’s nice being out of the traditional office for awhile, it’s actually harder! There is more pressure to respond immediately, and even more pressure to work all hours of the day. It’s a short glimpse into life ‘working from home.’ (That being said, I’m pretty sure I’d prefer to work from home vs. work in an office. Still putting that dream into the universe with the hope that it will catch one day).

Still, it’s nice to travel for work. I don’t know how I’d deal with being in the same office all the time. Plus, I’ve been to some amazing places– Southern California, Colorado, Jackson Hole, WY, Texas, Vermont, all over Maryland and Delaware, Las Vegas, Tennessee, Minneapolis, Chicago, Boston, St. Louis, New Orleans, Virginia Beach, Hartford, CT, and more. All for work!

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that traveling always makes me thing about my place in the world, and just how small I am. I’m just one of billions, and that’s never more apparent than when I’m forced into small talk or onto a small plane with lots of strangers. Everyone has a story, a whole world, a series of beliefs that are new to me and don’t involve me in the slightest. It’s a crazy thing to think about.

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I started reading a new book, another one recommended to me, this time by a colleague. It’s intense, and I have to either re-read lines or put it down and come back to it. It’s not hard to read at all, it’s more that the ideas are hard to digest. It’s called The Four Agreements and I highly suggest it for anyone who feels like they think/act/are just a little different than ‘everyone else’ around them. It challenges our collective cultural story and sheds light on how to free yourself from it – with four agreements that you make to yourself. I encourage reading it.

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’m so looking forward to lots of great events this month. I was given news at the end of the summer that my fitness services will no longer be needed next academic year (Fall 2017) at the College, so I’ve been thinking about and planning creative class locations and ideas. I love hosting FREE online challenges (this month is Fall into Push-ups), and FREE classes (Halloween Zumba) and I’m partnering with a local winery to host an outdoor Zumba class, too – Zumba at the Vineyard.

I’m terrified because it’s a little more expensive than I’d normally like to charge, but I want to see if it sticks. I’ve always prided myself on offering free and/or extremely low cost classes, but location is at a premium and now I have to play by the rules of the people who own the spaces! (Just for comparison – I’ve paid for a TurboKick class in Houston and spent $20. For one class, no special perks. Not even kidding. I charge $5 — $4 if you purchase a class punch card).

This is a scary time of transition – I’ve already had to cut the amount of classes I teach per week at the College (which has proven, actually, to be a blessing. I’m LOVING having an extra night with the husband to make plans and do what WE need to do). I have taught at the College since 2009. It’s great, too, because now I’m getting creative and learning to build relationships with others in the community.

So—if you happen to be a local Chestertown/anywhere in Kent County (even QA or DE – I’d love to travel to you for the right space/cost!) business owner and you have appropriate space for a fitness class or workshop – PLEASE get in touch with me! I’d love to discuss ways we can both be successful while offering something GREAT for our fellow community members.

I don’t teach fitness to make all the income – yet. It’s a dream of mine to be sustainable with fitness without sacrificing my beliefs or joining a pyramid scheme. Right now, I teach because I love being part of people’s journeys, being able to offer people a respite from crazy daily life, offering enthusiasm and energy when people need it most. It’s my gift. As one of my students put it SO well yesterday – “I come to your classes because it’s good for my SOUL.” I get all warm and fuzzy inside when I hear these things, and I’m SO happy I can be part of your lives in a meaningful way.

I’ve loved teaching at the College, too, because I’ve been able to offer an alternative program to students. It’s something that is GOOD for you, costs nothing (for the students – the school pays me a VERY modest fee to make it free to students, faculty, and staff during the semester), and builds community. There’s great programming for students at the school, sure, but there are also lots of temptations and not so great off-the-record programming, if you know what I mean. This is a unique opportunity, to be a safe, encouraging, fun part of the students’ schedules.

If we were having coffee today, I’d think that, man!! I’ve gone too long! I’d love to hear what’s on your mind, in your cup this week. Please share using the comments below or on the facebook page – I just LOVE hearing from you!

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