Coffee Talk Tuesday #22
Welcome to the weekly chat where I spill my guts and try not to spill my coffee. That would be very sad.
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you about our awesome anniversary adventure! We like going places, exploring, and hiking together. For our one year wedding anniversary (which is also our 3 year dating and 2 year engaged -ha!), I knew we should do something extra special. We opted to hike Old Rag – 9 crazy mountain miles that include lots of bouldering, arm strength, and ‘just close your eyes and jump’ moments. Intense! You could do it alone, but it was SO great having a partner there — we helped each other through the toughest parts. I love hiking with the husband!
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I am nervous and excited to announce the November Wellness Challenge. I have gotten into the habit of posting monthly challenges, and this one is a little different. Fitness and sweat sessions are AWESOME, and I love sharing them with my fit family. But this month, I want to focus on wellness. Even if all the right physical things are happening, if your mind isn’t also spreading happiness and positivity, the whole package does not work. So, this month, we’re spreading positivity and sharing with each other! Join the group on facebook and here are the daily challenges:
If we were having coffee today, I’d share my bullet journal with you! The concept is amazing and has helped me keep on track. Have you heard of bullet journals? They use rapid logging — you could jot down to-dos, ideas, things that need some follow-up — the idea is that it’s faster than a traditional journal or notebook. Many people use bulleted lists to keep on track. I like using little check boxes (I’ll draw boxes and check them off when the task is complete).
I love to do lists (no secret), but wanted somewhere to organize my thoughts, in a format that I don’t feel tempted to erase or toss (like my whiteboard or post-it notes). I do still make use of my white board at work, but this bullet journal lets me combine all of my to do lists and ideas in one place. I LOVE this.
If we were having coffee today, I’d share this fun Fast Company article that has the creative juices flowing for me this week. I love learning new ways to increase productivity and creativity. Fast Company is one of my go-to resources!
If we were having coffee today, I’d share my ‘Halloween costumes.’ We got to dress up at work, so I took the opportunity to wear running clothes. I made a race bib and added headphones to make it legit. I also hosted a special Halloween Zumba class, and dressed up as a ‘bride’ – ha! I always get to be a bride on 10/31 now. It’s a rule.
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