Coffee Talk Tuesday #37
Welcome to the weekly chat where I spill my guts and try not to spill my coffee. Looooove edition.
Happy Love Day! However you feel about the holiday today, let’s just all agree to love at least ONE person a little more. How about…yourself? #LoveYourself
I’m all about the self-lovin’ lately. I’ve started a fun habit of treating myself (#TreatYoSelf) to an iced coffee several times a week, AND a couple of weeks ago, I started a fun new tradition of taking myself out to lunch on Fridays – somewhere local. It gets me away from my desk, lets me splurge a little, and it’s a date I cannot miss. I’m lovin’ it!
If we were having coffee today (I like mine medium, iced, ONE shot of hazelnut, and ONE cream please), I’d tell you that this time next week, I’ll be reporting from CALIFORNIA WEEEEE! I’m so stoked to head to the west coast with the husband. And, as I’m prepping for my conference, I’m really excited about all the topics and networking with other creative higher ed types. As a new ‘office of one’ in communications, I’m lacking in like-minded support, so conferences really help with this.
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that the past two weeks of BBG workouts have been killer. And I Love it. Why did I start doing the Sweat with Kayla Bikini Body Guide workouts? I wanted something for me, an unbreakable date to have with myself. I’m so glad I chose this workout series — not only is it easy to follow (um, not the moves, those are delightfully challenging), but it’s been SO good at reminding me to add rehabilitation to my week. As I type this, I’m actually rolling my feet with a water bottle. lol. But really, it’s the best thing ever. Her cool downs and rehabilitation sections are much longer than I’d ever do on my own, but I think it’s been helping my body recover faster.
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I had a really great, deep conversation with myself this weekend (don’t be alarmed, not like out loud, but just some quiet time where I reflected) and came to a pretty scary/awesome conclusion about a next step I’ve been stalling to take. Not ready to share just yet, but I promise you’ll get the full scoop soon. It’s exciting.
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’m working extra hard to accomplish things at work since I won’t be here. My to-do list needs a nap for sure. Send coffee! Or cookies! Mmm cookies.
Happy Love Day once again! I’m very excited for Cafe Sado tonight – husband is getting takeout and we’re going to delight in sweet, simple indulgence. And green curry chicken. Oh myyyyy!
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