Coffee Talk Tuesday #41
Welcome to the weekly chat that is fully caffeinated. Grab your cup.
If we were having coffee today, I’d start by sharing how happy we are to be at home for a snow day! Snow days are exciting when you’re an adult — it’s a pause from daily life without the guilt. There’s something sweet about getting a day from normal responsibilities.
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I ran my first race of 2017 this weekend! I’ll post a more detailed recap for Fit Friday, but in short: it was cold, it was an out-and-back run, Melissa was a super great race buddy, and puppies. More on Friday.
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’ve signed up for two yoga workshops in the next couple of weeks! I love attending workshops, because they are both challenging and life-altering. After a workshop, I’ve learned a new skill or a new approach to something and it forever changes the way I look at it. One workshop is a two-hour detox yoga workshop at my favorite studio, and the other is a master class with one of my yogi idols in DC. I have my eye on another workshop in NYC at the end of April.
Speaking of learning, if we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’ve been thinking a lot about learning and learning from others. Once again, my work situation has us searching for a VP, and instead of being fearful for the uncertainty, I find myself thinking “what can I learn from this person or this situation” and “what’s something I can do differently next time?” I finally got the position I created/wanted with this last leadership and will work to make it even better with the next leader. This new position definitely has some room to grow and improve.
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’m starting to put ideas together for my summer (yes, I know, already) fitness class schedule. With a half marathon on the horizon, making more room for my personal development/workouts, and an uncertain studio situation, I might be scaling back the class offerings. As a planner, I often find myself frustrated, because others do not want to plan/think about things as far in advance as I do, and they often are short with me or even non-responsive. I’m definitely a pusher!
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’m absolutely ready for all things spring, and am itching to get my happy spring clothes out of the attic and into the rotation. That is one of my plans for our “Spring Break Day” this Friday, in addition to hot yoga, kitchen countertop planning/searching, and planning our spring/summer garden! #ComeOnSpring
What’s up with you this week?
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