Fit Friday #2: March into Fitness Challenge
5 moves. 10 days. It’s time to re-focus, re-center, and get back to those 2017 goals! Here are some of my favorite moves from our Beachbody Live classes. I’ve placed them in a sequence that will help get you on a path to build strength and endurance. Let’s go!
Join the event on facebook for accountability buddies!
Here are the moves:
cross jacks
squat to lunge (both sides)
double upper cuts (punches)
Zig Zags
Beast to kick-through (both sides)
Starting March 6, do 5 reps of each move, and increase by 5 each day:
March 6 – 5 reps each
March 7 – 10 reps each
March 8 – 15 reps each
March 9 – 20 reps each
March 10 – 25 reps each
March 11 – 30 reps each
March 12 – 35 reps each
March 13 – 40 reps each
March 14 – 45 reps each
March 15 – 50 reps each
This challenge is meant to complement your current fitness program OR to help you get back on track. Please make sure to add some warm-up moves and some cool-down stretches. Stretching is key to prevent muscle soreness and it will help aid recovery.
If at any time you feel SUPER sore the next day, guess what? It’s ok to skip a day or do fewer reps of a movement, decrease the range of motion, or slow it down. This is YOUR workout. If you have questions about this, please let me know!
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